Hello folks..M BaKKK
Long long LONG time its been since i ve been here
Never mind..I Love it still..N i love it EVERYTIME m HERE:) PiXXX :)
April..Wat a Disgustin n Devastatin month this has really turned out to be..Really Pathetic n very Unexpected
Nothin has been goin My Way..All thru this stupid month..N i swear..That's Fuckin Bad!!
Yes it IS..
Bt thankfully..Tomorrow's the LAST day..N then NO APRIL fr a full YEAR :D :)
Got a Haircut today n a New HairStyle too:) Dunno how it looks(NO..m NOT puttin it here)
Wasn't much of my contribution in selectin it tho..All i did was Go up there n tell Tat Guy who chops off my Tresses.. "Do ANY experiment you like..Jz that it shudn't look TOO BAD on me"
He even gave me the usual Massage kinda thing,that they do after a cut, for an unusual 15-25minutes :)
It really felt GR888 then..All April Woes went away wit the hair(I hope:)
Apart from that..Its all really been Dull..Super Dull actually
Don't understand WHY those Bloody Lecturers keep tellin me.."Are you a pat of THIS class".."I ve never sen you before".."Do you ever attand my lectures"
Goddammit..Suckerzz..Most of em..n So Many More ppl over there
Was out on the 21st of the month..The day BJP organized a Huge rally against rising prices.Dammit..Got stuck coz of those Stupid ppl.
Tho it was ME who made d choice of goin IN towards their rally at Chandni Chowk from university, regretted it later wen this decision made me walk atleast 3hrs at a stretch
Love walkin..bt not under That kinda Sun..coupled wit Tat kinda Footwear:(
Been readin some Lovely Blogs lately..Check em out in Blogs i Follow..N hey..Follow My Blog too:)
(This line has been included jz incase someone IS readin this blog)
Been lookin for Wayz n Methodz to Improve n Promote this blog of mine..Have included it in some search engines:)
Gonna Optimize it for nice results over the time:)
Well..I really got NO clue as to Wat i ve been writin all this while..Jz things from Here n There..
But that's wat i really like doin here..Writin up watever i feel like..Watever i (sorta) DONT wanna talk to anyone bout
At the same time..I wanna make this blog Somethin(I kno its really NOTHIN rite now) n wit wat i write n watever else i put up(which IS shit n crap)..That's NVR gonna happen
But Still..